Kennebunk Land Trust, in a March 19 news release, announced its Nature Walk schedule for 2025. The trust is partnering with many local organizations for the nature walk programs. Each month, the walk will feature a different organization, preserve and theme.
Participants are encouraged to join local Maine Guides and Master Naturalists as they lead walks through the preserves, sharing insights and answering questions about the flora, fauna, and natural wonders. Participants will learn about the featured organization and its work, discover an outdoor space and experience the beauty of nature in all seasons.
The walks are free of charge for all ages and held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Donations are accepted and well-behaved dogs are welcome.
The 2025 walk schedule:
April 5 – For All Forever; featured partner is Habitat for Humanity; theme is Homes in Nature.

Kennebunk Land Trust announced its nature walk schedule for 2025. The trust is partnering with local organizations for the series. Each month, the walk will feature a different organization, preserve and theme. Dan King / Kennebunk Post
May 3 – Alewive Woods, Animal Welfare Society.
June 7 – Wonder Brook Park, Kennebunk Free Library.
July 5 – Butler Preserve, Brick Store Museum; History of Picnic Rock.
Aug. 2 – Hope Woods, The Center.
Sept. 6 – Alewive Woods, Kennebunk Outfitters/HOKA shoes; Preparedness for Hiking and Walking Outdoors.
Oct. 4 – Oxbow Preserve, The Center for Wildlife; Beaver Activity.
Kennebunk Savings and Southern Maine Health Care are sponsors of the series. The schedule is subject to change. For more information or to register, visit
Saturday, April 12, at 1 p.m.
The legend of Paul Revere
at Graves Memorial Library
Tom Putnam will visit Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library on Saturday, April 12, at 1 p.m., to celebrate and discuss the life and legend of Paul Revere.

It was one of Maine’s most famous sons, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who single-handedly turned Paul Revere into one of the most recognized heroes of the American Revolution. As the country prepares to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the historic battles of Lexington and Concord, Putnam will offer a multimedia presentation about the events of April 19, 1775, as well as how Longfellow’s poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride,” written some 86 years afterward, memorialized Revere in hopes of inspiring Longfellow’s fellow citizens to support the abolitionist cause in the buildup of the Civil War.
Putnam is the former director of the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston and of the Concord Museum in Concord, Massachusetts.
Light refreshments will be provided by the Graves Library snack team. Graves Library is located at 18 Maine St., in Kennebunkport. Parking is available on Maine Street, Consolidated School (Route 9), and Village Fire Station (North Street). Doors will open at 1:30 p.m.
High school senior
scholarship applicants sought
The Democrats of the Kennebunks and Arundel are seeking applicants for its Edmund Muskie Democracy in Action $1,000 scholarship. The award will be given to a student residing in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport or Arundel who is a senior during the school year in which they apply.
Applicants must have been accepted, and can confirm their attendance, at a certified training program or an accredited two- or four-year college or university. Financial need is not a criterion.
According to a news release, the winner will best exemplify the spirit of civic engagement – how they have worked to make a difference in their school and community through political and non-political actions. Applications, which include writing an essay describing their civic engagement, can be requested by emailing, and must be returned to that email address by midnight, April 29, 2025.
The recipient will be selected by the Democrats of the Kennebunks and Arundel Scholarship Committee. A check will be issued to the recipient in June. Executive Committee members and members of the Scholarship Committee and their families are not eligible. The Executive Committee of the Democrats of the Kennebunks and Arundel may elect to award one or more scholarships each year.
Explore the French
and Indian War
The Brick Store Museum invites history and literature enthusiasts to join, “Through the Passage: Exploring the French & Indian War through Kenneth Roberts’ Novel,” a four-part discussion course held via Zoom. Led by historian and educator Steve Thornley, the program will delve into the historical backdrop of the French and Indian War (1759–1763), a pivotal conflict that set the stage for the American Revolution.

The Brick Store Museum invites history and literature enthusiasts to join, “Through the Passage: Exploring the French & Indian War through Kenneth Roberts’ Novel,” a four-part discussion course held via Zoom. Contributed/ Brick Store Museum
According to a news release, participants will read and discuss “Northwest Passage,” one of Maine author Kenneth Roberts’ most celebrated historical fiction novels. Each session will include additional historical context, resources, and open discussions, encouraging attendees to contribute their own insights.
Meeting dates are April 16, April 23, April 30 and May 14. The online Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Thornley is a visual artist, historian and teacher based in Wells.
Participants are encouraged to obtain a copy of “Northwest Passage” before enrolling. The book is available through Abebooks, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, local booksellers, and public libraries.
For more information, or to register, visit or contact Mary Delehanty at
Poetry reading
at Spaulding Center
WePoets & Verse will host “Poetry in the Spaulding Center” on Friday, May 16. The event is scheduled for 1 to 2:30 p.m. and features Maine Poet Laureate Betsy Sholl (2006-11), reading her 10th collection, “As if a Song Could Save You.”
Guests include Steve Luttrell, founder and publisher of The Café Review poetry journal and “Paper Boats,” his sixth collection of poems; David Sloan, author, poet and master Waldorf teacher and three poetry collections, the latest, “Earth School;” and local poets reading original poems.
Admission is free and refreshments will be available. The Spaulding Center is located 175 Port Road in Lower Village Kennebunk.
Hippity Hoppity Storytime
at Kennebunk Free Library
Kennebunk Free Library is having a special storytime celebrating bunnies on Saturday, April 12, at 1 p.m. Participants will twitch their whiskers, wiggle their noses, and, of course, do lots of hopping while sharing songs and stories about bunnies. The library’s puppet friend, Ami the Bunny, will say, ‘hello’ and afterward, participants will have crafts and activities fun.
Storytime will run from 1 to 2 p.m. and crafts will be available until 4:30 p.m. The event will follow the Easter Egg Hunt at the Waterhouse Center, sponsored by the Kennebunk Parks and Recreation Department. Storytime will be geared toward ages 3-7, but all ages are welcome. No registration is required.
The event is free and wheelchair accessible. Kennebunk Free Library is located at 112 Main St., Kennebunk. For more information and to register, call 985-2173 or visit
Historical society
plans bean supper
The Arundel Historical Society will host a baked bean and pasta supper on Saturday, April 5. The supper will be held at the Mildred L. Day School gym from 4:30 to 6 p.m.. The school is located at 600 Limerick Road, Arundel.
The menu includes two types of baked beans, mac and cheese, American chop suey, hot dogs, coleslaw, cornbread, rolls and brown bread, drinks, coffee and homemade desserts. Takeout is available. Suggested donations are: Adults, $10, children 6-10 years, $5, children 5 and younger, free. There will be historical displays, membership information and merchandise available.
The historical society’s annual raffle calendar will be available. The supper is a benefit for the Arundel Historical Society.
Faerie House exhibition
at Kennebunk Free Library

Kennebunk Free Library will accept faerie house creations from April 21-29. The annual Faerie Festival is scheduled for May 3. Dan King / Kennebunk Post
It’s faerie house time at Kennebunk Free Library. Participants are encouraged to build a faerie house to welcome the faeries back to the garden at the library. Faerie houses will be accepted at the library from April 21-29.
Participants should build a house with a base no larger than 14 inches by 14 inches, and no taller than 30 inches and use natural materials only. There will be a selection of natural materials available in the library starting April 1.
All faerie houses submitted to the library by April 29 will receive a certificate from the Seacoast Garden Club. The certificates will be given at the Faerie Festival, scheduled for 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on May 3.
Faerie houses will be on display at the library through May 10. May 10 is the last day to pick up faerie houses. Those who prefer to keep their faerie house at home, can take a photo and send it to by April 29. The library will share the photos on its social media and participants will receive a title and certificate from the Seacoast Garden Club.
The schedule:
· April 1: First day to pick up natural materials at the library.
· April 21: First day to bring faerie houses to the library for display.
· April 29: Last day to submit faerie houses, or a photo, to the library.
· May 3: Faerie Festival.
· May 10: Last day to pick up faerie houses to take home.
The event is free and wheelchair accessible. Kennebunk Free Library is located at 112 Main St., Kennebunk. For more information, call 985-2173 or visit the
Western Avenue
road closure, detour
Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District, along with Kennebunk Sewer District, will begin an infrastructure improvement project on Western Avenue on Monday, March 31.
The joint effort, according to a news release, “will replace the aging water and sewer mains to improve service reliability and ensure long-term serviceability. Work is expected to continue through spring, with the required detour deadline set for May 16.”
The road closure and detour is set for March 31 to May 16.
Traffic management plans, according to the news release, “will be in place to ensure public safety and maintain access to local businesses and properties. There will be a detour and road closure in place during the project. All truck traffic is to use Route 1, while local traffic will be routed onto Heath Road.
“All local businesses will remain open throughout the duration of the project. While temporary road closure and a detour are required, updates will be provided regularly to keep the community informed.”
For updates, visit or the town of Kennebunk website,
Kennebunk’s annual
May Day Festival
Planning continues for Kennebunk’s 27th annual May Day Festival to be held on Saturday, May 3, in downtown Kennebunk.
According to organizers, the festival needs many volunteers to make things run smoothly and it need only be for a short time. Volunteer opportunities include helping to line up parade participants, checking in crafters and nonprofits, offering guidance at the parks, and general trash collection in the downtown area after the event.
Those interested in volunteering should contact Linda Johnson at or 207-604-1341.
Those interested in being part of the craft market should visit for sign-up, address and payment information. The site also includes a sign-up sheet for nonprofits and commercial vendors.
The May Day Festival is scheduled for Saturday, May 3. According to organizers, this year’s festival will feature most of the family-oriented activities that have been staged for years and some new additions.
Good News
Film Festival
The First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church film team announced that it will host a Good News Film Festival. They’ve planned eight films in March and April from 4 to 6 p.m. Entrance is free, and all are welcome.
Upcoming films:
Sunday, March 30: “Join or Die.” The decline in American community lights a path out of democracy’s present crisis by building social capital through civic activities and clubs, 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 6: “The Great Green Wall of Africa:” Musician Inna Mode takes patrons to the front line of the climate crisis, 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 13: “Gather:” A recognition of damage done by government and vision about indigenous communities taking control of their heritage, 4 p.m.
First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church is located at 114 Main St., Kennebunk.
Mid-Week Music
puts on a Bob-fest
“Dylan Through the Years” will see Mid-Week Music host Dana Pearson and guest musicians playing one song per album from 1962 to 2023 (plus a few singles, soundtrack tunes, and outtakes) over the course of three full-length concerts on three successive Wednesdays in April.
On April 2, Part 1 (1962-1973), Pearson is joined by multi-instrumentalist John Swinconeck, of Bath, on tunes from classic albums like Blonde on Blonde, The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, and Nashville Skyline.
On April 9, Part 2 (1973-1991), singer-guitarist Tony Michaud of Kennebunk (music teacher at Mildred L. Day School in Arundel) helps out on songs culled from albums including Desire, Infidels, and Oh Mercy.
The trilogy wraps up April 16 with songs from 1992 to 2023. Pearson teams up with singer- guitarist-mandolinist Shawn Callahan, of Kennebunk, to perform tunes from albums like Time Out of Mind, Love & Theft, and Rough and Rowdy Ways, plus numbers Dylan recorded for soundtracks, including Natural Born Killers, Gods & Generals, and The Sopranos.
All shows start at 7 p.m. at the Kennebunkport Historical Society’s Town House School at 135 North St. For tickets, visit, email or call 207-985-2751.
Death education
series continues
Kennebunk Free Library, on Monday, April 28, 6 to 7:30 p.m., will host its tenth session of the Die Well Death Education Series with host Leona Oceania. Patrons are welcome to attend one or all of the sessions. No registration is required.
The April 28 session will feature the film, “Bury Me at Taylor Hollow” by John Christian Phifer, who spent 15 years working in the funeral industry before creating the first conservation burial ground in Tennessee. “Bury Me at Taylor Hollow” is a glimpse into an alternative approach to death and dying in America.
For more information call 207-985-2173 or email
Coucerts in West K!
features Irish trio
Copley Street, a trio of Irish musicians, will perform in concert at the Brick Store Museum in Kennebunk 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 6. The show is part of the long-running Concerts in West K! series of acoustic music concerts.
The trio features Joey Abarta on uilleann pipes (Irish bagpipes), Nathan Gourley on fiddle, and Owen Marshall on guitar and bouzouki. They have just released their second CD, Copley Street 2, which builds on the success of their debut album.
Abarta, in addition to his work with Copley Street, maintains an active schedule of teaching and performing. He has toured with the Green Fields of America troupe, and performed for Irish President Michael D. Higgins. He recently released his second solo album, King of the Blind.
Gourley has collaborated with players such as Paddy O’Brien of Chulrua, Daithi Sproule of Altan, Brian Miller of Bua, and Norah Rendell of The Outside Track. His other recordings include, Life Is All Checkered, with Laura Feddersen, and The Truckley Howl with Mairead Hurley and John Blake. He has taught and performed at festivals in Ireland, New Zealand, and throughout the United States on both fiddle and guitar.
Portland resident Marshall has emerged as an accompanist, known locally for his long tenure with The Press Gang, he has toured and recorded with the likes of Seamus Egan, Liz Carroll, Dervish, and Jenna Moynihan.
Planeteers plan
clothing drive
The Planeteers of Southern Maine, in collaboration with Helpsy, will host a clothing/textile drive fundraiser at Quest Fitness in Kennebunk. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 27.
Collections will take place in the parking lot at Quest Fitness Center. The event raises funds for Planeteers programs.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, textile waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States, occupying nearly 6% of all landfill space. Helpsy works with The Planeteers of Southern Maine, who are the originators of the initiative. Helpsy collects upward of 30 million pounds of clothing a year. The Planeteers of Southern Maine have contributed over 40,000 pounds, thanks to the Kennebunk area community.
Helpsy accepts clean, dry, and bagged clothing of all kinds as well as fashion accessories, wallets, purses, backpacks, totes, shoes, towels, bedding, costumes, curtains, placemats, tablecloths. Stuffed animals and pillows are allowed, but must be separate from other items. No hard-shelled suitcases, rugs, laminate, mats, tarps, or fabric. Every item will be triaged in order to ensure best use.
For more information and a list of acceptable items, visit
Tri-City Community
Chorus concert
The Tri-City Community Chorus will mark its 27th birthday by presenting, The Sounds of Movie Magic: A Night Out With the Tri-City Community Chorus, on Saturday, June 7.
Selections will include “May It Be” from The Fellowship of the Rings, “Life’s a Happy Song” from the original Muppet Movie, as well as a medley from Les Miserables and the iconic “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz.
The concert will take place on Saturday, June 7, at 7 p.m. at First Parish Church, 12 Beach St., in Saco. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Suggested donation is $15 for adults and children older than 10.
Food drive for
senior care packages
Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library will host Sharing for Shamrocks, a program that will run through the month of March during regular library hours.
The library is partnering with the Community Gourmet to provide items essential to care packages for local seniors in need. The library invites community members to join the effort by donating much-needed food items, helping to fill the library’s” pot of gold.”
For every food item donated, the library will add a shamrock to its windows, transforming the library into a symbol of community generosity. Participants, said organizers, are encouraged to also create handmade cards at the card station to be included in the care packages, “spreading joy and companionship to our senior population.”
Needed food items include: Hormel meals, flip-top soups, Carnation instant breakfast, Lorna Dunes cookies, tuna fish/chicken packets, Nutri Grain bars, macaroni and cheese cups, and fruit cups.
Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine St., Kennebunkport. For more information, call 967-2778 and ask for the Junior Room, or visit
Arundel nomination
papers available
Nomination Papers for the June 10 municipal election will be available at the Arundel Town Office beginning March 3, for the following positions:
Budget board, (two) positions for a three-year term.
RSU 21 director-school board member, (one) position for a one-year term.
RSU 21 director-school board member, (one) position for a three-year term.
Select board, (two) positions for a three-year term.
To qualify for a municipal office, a person must be a resident of Arundel, at least 18 years of age and registered to vote in Arundel. A minimum of 25 signatures of registered Arundel voters must be submitted prior to the close of business on April 10, 2025, in order for a candidate’s name to be placed on the June ballot.
For more information, call 985-4201, ext. 102 or stop by the Arundel Town Office during normal business hours, Monday -Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The office is closed noon to 1 p.m.
Photo sales benefit
fishermen’s association
Cape Porpoise portrait and conservation photographer Tess Johnson is offering prints of her photo, “God Bless the Fishermen,” for sale with 50% of the proceeds to benefit the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association.
For more information or to order prints, visit
Alumni association
updating database
For the past year, the Kennebunk-Kennebunkport Alumni Association has been consolidating membership data into a new database system. To reach as many alumni as possible, the association requests that Kennebunk High School alumni reach out to the alumni association at to ensure updated membership and contact information. Contact information is also sought for those who may not use email to ensure all interested classmates receive communications.
The association’s annual alumni banquet is scheduled for Friday, June 20, at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport. A social social hour begins at 5 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m. Invitations should arrive via email or the postal service beginning in March.
For more information, contact the Kennebunk-Kennebunkport Alumni Association, PO Box 272, Kennebunk, ME 04043 or email
Artists invited to
submit for jurying
The Art Guild of the Kennebunks welcomes artists to submit their work to be juried into the guild established in 1980.
“Joining the Art Guild of the Kennebunks gives artists a way to enjoy the company of other artists in our creative community” said Judith Kinsman Arneson, membership chairperson, in a news release. “It is also a way to present and sell your artwork in exhibits sponsored by the guild and find inspiration in the many opportunities the guild presents to its members.”
The jurying process: Go to the AGK website,, and fill out an application form. Send biographical information and a non-refundable check for $35 to Art Guild of the Kennebunks, P.O. Box 2658, Kennebunkport, ME 04046, by Monday, April 14.
Artists should submit five pieces in one medium that best represents them as an artist. Jurying date is Saturday, April 19. Drop off artwork on Saturday, April 19 at noon at the Brick Store Museum Program Center, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk. The building is located behind the museum. Art should be picked up at 3 p.m. the same day. Artists selected to become members of the guild will be notified by mail in seven to 10 days.
All media is acceptable, including oil, watercolor, pastel, pen and ink, pencil, sculpture and mixed media. Paintings must be professionally framed for hanging.
For more information, contact Judith Kinsman Arneson at 207-229-9659.
Vets group offers
Wednesday coffee
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1044 has launched free-coffee Wednesdays to all veterans. Chapter 1044 is located at 508 Elm St. in Biddeford (basement of American Legion Post 26). Chapter meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month and begin at 1:30 p.m.

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1044 hosts free-coffee Wednesdays to all veterans. Chapter 1044 is located at 508 Elm St. in Biddeford (basement of American Legion Post 26). Chapter meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month and begin at 1:30 p.m. Above, The Wall That Heals, a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., made a stop in Biddeford in July 2024. Dan King / Kennebunk Post
Those who served in the past, or are currently serving, are welcomed to the Wednesday coffee from 9 to 11 a.m. Veterans need simply to show military ID or wear an item that identifies their service, and the coffee is on Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1044. Tables will be set up with board games and a veteran service officer will be available to answer questions on veterans’ benefits or to help file a claim for disability through the VA system. The service is also available to spouses of veterans.
For more information, contact Joseph Armstrong, chapter president, at 207-494-9287 or visit
Seaglass Chorale
rehearsals at St. David’s
Seaglass Chorale invites interested singers to its rehearsals that are scheduled for 6 to 7 p.m. every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Kennebunk. No audition is required.
Founded in 1993 by Artistic Director Jean Strazdes, Seaglass Chorale is a non-auditioned adult choral group of 60 voices. The chorale represents about 20 southern Maine communities and regularly performs throughout the area, with concerts in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells, Sanford, Saco and other regional venues.
St. David’s is located at 138 York St., Kennebunk. For more information on Seaglass Chorale, joining the chorale or making a donation, visit
Legion Post 159
meeting schedule
Monthly meetings of American Legion Post 159 are held on the first Thursday of the month. Meeting dates for 2025: April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, Aug. 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6 and Dec. 4.
All veterans and Sons of the American Legion are welcomed to attend. Legion Post 169 is located at 102 Main St. (across from the police station) in Kennebunkport. For more information, call 207-967-2400.
Family storytime
at Graves Library
Graves Library will host Friday family storytime in the Community Room every Friday at 10 a.m. and invites patrons to Stay & Play at 10:45 a.m. The program includes stories, finger plays, and songs.
After story time, participants are invited to stop at the hands-on stations that are always open: Puzzle Cubes, View-Master, Coloring Crafts, Legos, I Spy Terrarium, and more. Participants can also try the themed Counting Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a prize.
Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located at 18 Maine St., Kennebunkport. For more information, call 207-967-2778 and ask for the Junior Room or visit
Amateur Radio Society
meets at The New School
The New England Radio Discussion Society meets biweekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. throughout the year at The New School in Kennebunk. The club informally gathers to support and promote amateur (ham) radio. Wide-ranging discussion topics include: early and contemporary equipment, digital technology, internet integration, and striving for international contacts. Most meetings include a tech talk by a society member.
Those interested in amateur radio are invited to join. The New School is located at 38 York St. in Kennebunk. For more information, contact Alex at 207-967-8812.
Astro Society
hosts star parties
The Astronomical Society of Northern New England has set its schedule for public Star Parties through August and invites the public to attend. The society operates its own observatory, the Talmage Observatory at Starfield, on Route 35, in West Kennebunk.
At the Star Parties, the public, as well as society members, are most invited to observe the heavens through club telescopes, as well as member telescopes. Stars, visible planets, and deep-sky objects can all be viewed. Experienced society members are on hand to guide the observing, explain what is being seen, and answer questions. There is no fee.
The Talmage Observatory at Starfield opens at 7:30 p.m. for the events. For directions, visit
The Astronomical Society of Northern New England is a local association of amateur astronomers that meets monthly at the New School in Kennebunk. Meetings are on the first Friday of each month. For more information, visit
Legion Post 74
schedules meetings
American Legion Webber Lefebvre Post 74 in Kennebunk holds meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Legion Post 74 is located at 15 Water St.
Legion Post 74 is looking for new members. Legion Post 74 participates in the May Day and Memorial Day parades, flag retirement ceremonies with the Boy Scouts, furnishes a scholarship to the high school and participates in many other local activities and charities.
Chess Club Tuesdays
at Graves Library
Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library hosts Chess Club meetings every Tuesday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the Dow Room. Whether a seasoned player or just starting out, the club welcomes all levels of players.
Players are invited to bring their own chess board or feel free to use one of library’s. The event provides an opportunity to engage in friendly matches, sharpen skills, and learn more about this timeless game from fellow chess lovers.
Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is located 18 Maine St., Kennebunkport. For more information, call 207-967-2778 or visit
York County Amateur
Radio Club meetings
The York County Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Sunday of each month from September to June. The meetings begin at 2:45 p.m. at the Wells town offices at 208 Sanford Road.
All are welcome and membership is open to all. A ham radio license is not required. The club promotes amateur radio knowledge, offers educational programs, and organizes special events. For more information, visit
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